Cycle 6 - December 2023

    Class One: Dec. 2nd

    Class Two: Dec. 3rd

    Class Three: Dec. 9th

    Class Four: Dec. 10th


    Cycle 6 - December 2023

    Class One: Dec. 2nd

    Class Two: Dec. 3rd

  • Great question! Unlike other floral design programs that operate on weekdays, the VFS Start Up With Design Intensive operates on weekends. That means you can attend VFS without impacting your current job or schedule. If the Sunday class reaches capacity, then a second weekend cycle will be added on Saturday. Please email or call us to register for the Saturday cycle.

  • Once you have signed up and registered for your cycle, you will receive a confirmation email reserving your spot in the class along with a receipt.

  • Absolutely! This program will provide a tremendous foundation of floral design skills and you are going to learn my personal tips and secrets to negotiate around this business. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, you’re in the right place.

  • We have been asked this question many times and the answer is simply, money! By condensing the program to a 4 week cycle, we are able to save money without compromising on the level of florals, hardware, kits and knowledge we provide. We insist on the highest levels of product from start to finish. Careful planning and attention go into every course cycle along with your mentorship, your learning will last as long as you need!

  • The Start Up With Design Intensive is training that you will use for the rest of your career, referring back to its content over and over again. It provides valuable knowledge in addition to critical hands-on training.

  • Yes! You will receive an official VFS Diploma after completing the cycle. The floral industry is recognizing the Vancouver Flower School Diploma more than ever, as it gives you the knowledge to have a competitive advantage.

  • You can expect to leave each class with an abundance of new knowledge and skills in floral design which you can apply to whatever career path you decide!